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Mirroring truss with fixtures

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by ben, May 2, 2017.

  1. ben

    ben Active Member

    Feb 6, 2014
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  2. ben

    ben Active Member

    Feb 6, 2014
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    I've the answer, after many test, I think it's because my file was created from a template who was older than the mirroring option...

    If i merge the file in a new file , the mirroring is ok, and if I open my template file and merge the file, the mirroring only work for truss...
    Here is the template link...
    #2 ben, May 2, 2017
    Last edited: May 2, 2017
  3. Dany

    Dany Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jan 16, 2014
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    Hi Ben,

    Thanks for reporting this and for sending your file! Our investigation led to discovering a bug with truss mirroring which we didn't know about: essentially, it doesn't work properly if a User Origin is set in the file. This is what you had done in the Template (.wyT) file you sent, so, naturally, when you started a file from that Template, it kept that User Origin.

    There are two ways to see if a User Origin has been set in a file: [1] in the Tools menu, if the Reset User Origin option is enabled (i.e. if it's possible to reset it, then clearly it has been set) or [2] if the upper-left corner of a Wireframe View in which the Rulers are enabled displays a U (i.e. instead of the (customary) D that's displayed when using the Document Origin--which is the default). In your template file you had the Rulers turned off, so it wouldn't have been easy for you to notice this (in case you forgot, I mean) unless you specifically looked for the Reset User Origin item being enabled in the Tools menu.

    This bug has been added to our list and will hopefully be addressed for the upcoming R39.

    Thanks again,

  4. ben

    ben Active Member

    Feb 6, 2014
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    thank you to ... I knew it was something with the wyt file, but I think I ll never understood why ...
    So when reseting the user origine , the mirroring works well !

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