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[Feature Request] Reports update live

Discussion in 'wysiwyg' started by Joe, Jan 6, 2020.

  1. Joe

    Joe Member

    Jul 15, 2017
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    It would be very helpful if the reports would update when you switch scenes without needing to refresh the page or click away then back. Some reports are embedded in layout views and with large projects this makes it very tedious to update plots before printing.

    Also if the truss report would function based on the visible layers instead of needing to make scenes this would save about a thousand key clicks for large projects as well. Not sure why it doesn't function like the legend does. Legend only shows visible fixtures. Truss report should act the same way in my opinion. Either this or make a legend that works for truss counts.

    Thank you
    tonyLR likes this.
  2. Dany

    Dany Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jan 16, 2014
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    Thanks for the suggestions Joe.

    I completely agree that Report Items on Layouts should auto-update when the Scene is changed. We will try to address this in one of this year's releases.

    As for fixtures' visibility in Reports to be controlled by Layers, from what I know & remember, this is the first request we've ever had for this. If we were to go ahead with the change, it would mean changing the way WYSIWYG has worked for the past twenty five years. It would also mean that Reports could easily be printed inaccurately when a necessary Layer is overlooked and not made visible or invisible before printing; in addition, the Visible/Invisible state of individual Layers would have to be altered every time Reports need to be printed (or looked at) and then altered again when switching back to CAD (or even when switching to a different Report)... that's a lot of clicking in the Layer Database which would make things inconvenient "the other way". (And Scenes were added for this very reason.. to avoid numerous clicks for changing Layer states.)

    I understand that having to create Scenes "just for this" can be cumbersome, but Scenes can be useful for other purposes as well, so the assumption when this paradigm was decided-upon so long ago, was that in large-/complex-enough files, Scenes would have already been created anyway, by the time Reports are being looked at or printed, making it a simple matter of switching to the right Scene. Perhaps what you are really after is the ability to filter out specific fixtures which can be done via Reports' View Options > General tab? Please don't forget also that individual Reports can be set to always display a specific Scene rather than the current Scene -- also from their View Options > General tab. ... See the marked-up screenshot I attached here for details.



    Attached Files:

  3. Joe

    Joe Member

    Jul 15, 2017
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    That makes sense. Maybe I didn't make it clear but I was referring to truss counts in layers and how they are visible in reports and layouts.

    For example...

    I want to detail the 1st electric truss in a rig that has 5 electrics and show only those fixtures and the truss needed to build this single part of a show for prep teams. Each electric is in a different layer. When I hide every other layer and only show this 1st electric the legend will update correctly and only show me the fixtures which are on this truss. Theres no problem there. That's what I want, but for truss detail. I want to have a legend or a report that will only show the count of visible truss shown in a layer so a prep team can easily know how many sections of what truss they will need to build whatever is visible. I then also make a detailed view for each and every electric separately. Its very easy to hide and un-hide each elec and export a PDF to add to the packet.

    I know I can do this with scenes but I will then have to make a scene for each layer that I want to export views of in addition to making the layers and then include these layers in the scenes. A double step in my opinion.

    If the wizard in layouts could make a truss view that would update live as the legend currently does in layouts then this would solve my perceived problem and avoid tampering with the reports.
  4. Floriaan

    Floriaan Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    Maybe you could consider building a template file once with all the common layers in scenes and the reports in place
  5. Joe

    Joe Member

    Jul 15, 2017
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    Not a bad idea. I do have a base file I use for all plots. It already has the layouts, legends, layers and hang structures in it as well as fixture and truss types we own. This will be a great way to save a few clicks.

  6. Dany

    Dany Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jan 16, 2014
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    I was going to suggest the same. However, I now understand your dilemma, so I will add all this to the list of PRES mode improvements that are planned for this year (but most of which will likely not come until the end-of-year release, R46). Thanks!
  7. Joe

    Joe Member

    Jul 15, 2017
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    Something I've discovered while trying to institute this layers into scene save in our template file is very confusing. Scenes aren't universal across modes of the software? You cant chose a scene with layers in it then go to layouts and have it be the same. Then, in layouts you cant choose a scene and have it update on the reports. Now, I have to go change the scene in Cad, Layouts, and Reports to get this one truss count to update correctly and keep things from getting confused across each mode. As Dany already mentioned they would look into a truss count wizard that works like the Legend I guess this will be something I need to wait for in order for it to be seamless.
  8. Floriaan

    Floriaan Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    By default all reports are set to follow the current scene (which you can set in CAD or any other view). However it is possible to set a report to a fixed scene by right clicking on the report shortcut and choosing the scene you want in the properties pane.
  9. Joe

    Joe Member

    Jul 15, 2017
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    Not true. When you change a scene in cad it does not change a scene in reports or layout. Also, the scene is different for each report.
  10. Joe

    Joe Member

    Jul 15, 2017
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    Thank you very much for the feature update concerning reports and scenes in layouts. You guys are amazing. Hugs!

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