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Table and chair wizard

Discussion in 'wysiwyg' started by RichardZ, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. RichardZ

    RichardZ New Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    Firstly; thanks for sure an awesome program! I work in mostly corporate world, ie conferences, awards shows, exhibitions, fashion shows etc and wysiwyg has been invaluable, and won us a lot of work through the visuals, and made the planning process soooo much easier! I have a design dongle btw.

    I'm waiting for R33 to finish downloading before I give that a whirl... but thought I'd ask: in R34 could you include a chairs & tables wizard similar to in Vivien? I've not used Vivien but heard that there was a table and chair wizard in an update a while ago and looked forward to it in wysiwyg as I assumed it'd be in there too, but so far not. I appreciate that Vivien is more for event designers who don't need the lighting power of wyg but for nearly every show I produce visuals for I end up doing floors plans for clients who constantly change what they want, and having to array, and re-array tables and or chair can get a bit tiresome. It'd also be great if it could tell you how many chairs there were. I know that if you select all the chairs separately (ie not grouped) then it says in the OBJ count but for slightly more complicated layouts it's a pain to ungroup all the chair groups and nested groups. If it's something you could add in then could it include a racked seating wizard too, preferably with alterable chair separations, depths of each level, etc?

    Many thanks


    I'll try and put together a full list of features I think would be good and do in one go at some point rather than drip feeding them!
  2. ben

    ben Active Member

    Feb 6, 2014
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    chair and table wizard ?
  3. Firebrand

    Firebrand Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    i have WYG and Vivien, and design my shows in WYG, then drop them into Vivien if I need to utilise the seating wizard or guest management features.

    seems to work well doing it that way.

    honestly, i'm not concerned with not having it in WYG, as i would rather keep WYG more technical, and if i need to drop a couple of table sets in quickly, they are in the library. if i have a little more time, i'll dump it into Vivien, and do it all that way.

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