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Hello everyone! is there any possibility to increase / change the range of motion (xyz) of the dmx camera? Is it correct that 50% of the x-axis...
So Dany, about renderings in general: at first I want to tell you that I love wysiwyg so much and would like to use it for a long time yet, but...
Thanks Floriaan, i will try soon.
Hi guys. in the attached image you can see on the left an image exported from the shaded view while on the right the render of the same scene....
Hi all, there is some new about R43?
Hi Dany, i know about improvement of R42 but this is not what i meant. I was speaking about a real 3d view (isometric or perspective) as you can...
I saw that the new version is coming and the most important news is the new 64-bit platform. But is it planned the implementation of isometric...
hi Dany, absolutely yes, Darren is helping me. sorry if I also wrote on the forum but I thought that maybe some colleague could have already had...
Hi all. After some system update now when i go to chance appearence of any object and I choose a texture from library wysiwyg crashes. I tried to...