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Agreed , i think we need a little bit of action from the admins and CAST please.
Hi, from my own experience when the information does come on the forum its detailed and correct ,but the forum response time isn't very useful....
Hi, Any suggestions on how to export a wyg file to create an .fbx file format? I'm not familiar with C4D so unclear what other formats it can...
Hi, Would anyone have advice on the best way to achieve importing or creating something like the attached image. I need a material that has high...
Hi, Just wondering why all the previous posts from 2023 seem to have dissapeared or are not visible? Thank you
Hey Joe, I've succsefully exported from WYG 49 to Capture recently without any issues and the fixtures exported correctly ? I've had issues...
Hi, I'm usiong wygR49 is there a way to cahnge the default file extension that movies are saved as? From memory they are saving as mpeg4 which i...
Thank you Sander, New machine arrives tomorrow & will report back. Got some advise from cast team which was very helpful. Appreciate the replies. C
Hi, I have read the system specs and hardware guide which is really helpful. Does anyone have any opinions on mobile machines and yes I...
Hello, I'm not sure if this has been requested already but it would be helpful if it was possible to add a High End/ETC HPU processor with the...