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first one was good. unfortunately i missed it live but managed to catch it later. Thanks for this, looking forward to the next cheers
Just invested in some Chamsys gear, looking forward to playing with it and WYG. Seems relatively intuitive so for from what I've seen. I've taken...
good call
ditto to the above, and if the truss you need isn't in the library, our friends at Cast Soft will design one for you if you shoot them the specs....
[I often use a very small pipe below the floor. yeah, that's how I get around it at present. It's a little inconvenient but it does the trick. It...
yeah, ditto to both the above i think for me :)
thanks Dany, yeah that's pretty much what I had been doing. It's no biggie for me, and I don't think my crappy laptop helps. Haven't had that...
i've had that issue too, on my laptop. But seeing as it's running jus above bare min requirements, i just put it down to my laptop being a POS and...
Just got a similar message trying to open a file. Any helpful hints? Already emailed tech support but it's lunchtime in NZ and I had a project due...
i usually have an image saved that i use to texture my drapes, often a photo i took of the actual drapes to be used, and added that to my image...
Yeah, when I've drawn floorplans from PDF that's what I'd done. use it as a guide and type in my measurements along that vector or using my...
use your quad view? in front or side elevations, you can draw the pitch, and extrude in those views instead of plan view...
thanks, yeah that's pretty much what I figured, thanks.
Has anyone else experienced this, and is there a workaround? One of my designers (who is learning WYG) came to me with a issue the other day......