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ACN control issues

Discussion in 'wysiwyg' started by Graeme Brown, Feb 18, 2022.

  1. Graeme Brown

    Graeme Brown New Member

    Dec 17, 2019
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    Hi, I frequently have issues with getting my EOS console to control the visualizer in Perform. Sometimes it just works, sometimes I can get it to work after a few reboots of the computer, WYG and/or the console. Many times I just cannot get it to communicate.

    Network settings are correct, sACNView sees everything correctly. I cannot drive the system with sACNView acting as the console either.

    AN unrelated issue I have is not being able to get a video clip to load into Video Manager. regardless of file type (mp4, mpg), it just says "Unable to connect video: filepath"
  2. Floriaan

    Floriaan Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    Hi, many of your sACN issues are actually related to Windows. First it is important to set your network as private, and to allow all network connections for your console and for wysiwyg through the firewall (this needs to be done after each update of wysiwyg and sometimes after a security update for windows). Because sACN streams only output active universes, it might be important to have your console running and patched before you start wysiwyg. For me it sometimes helps to deactivate the network port and then re-activate again.
    It is a bit sketchy and I also keep having problems with this. Artnet seems a bit more stable in that regard.

    the video is probably not in a supported format. Try if it plays in windows media player (not VLC) Try another video format or lower resolution.
  3. Floriaan

    Floriaan Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    I did a bit more testing. It seems that there is a problem within Wysiwyg regarding sACN. Here's what I discovered.
    - Firewall for wysiwyg or the whole local lighting control network disarmed
    - Lighting desk connected, ping to and from lighting desk / wysiwyg pc possible
    - sending sACN from lighting desk
    - confirmed that sACN is arriving at Wysiwyg PC using sACN viewer (by ELC) running on Wywiyg PC
    - In wysiwyg there is no input.

    Restart the lighting desk with wysiwyg running: sACN arrives in wysiwyg without a problem.

    It seems to be a bug in Wysiwyg after all...
  4. darren powell

    darren powell Super Moderator
    Staff Member

    Mar 8, 2017
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    Hello there,

    Firstly please check /recheck your firewall settings as shown below:

    1. Ensure that WYSIWYG is not running.
    2. Open the Windows Firewall Control Panel.
    3. Click the Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall ‘link’ on the left.
    4. In the Allowed apps window that appears, scroll down to until you find WYSIWYG Application in the list.
    5. Ensure that the checkbox on the left, and both checkboxes on the right of WYSIWYG Application are checked, as per the screenshot.
    6. Ensure the same for any and all other WYSIWYG Application entries in this list.
    7. Click OK at the bottom to close the Allowed apps window.
    8. Run wysiwyg and check the if it’s now receiving


    You may also need apply the ‘Define Port Ranges’ option as explained here


    (a range of 1 to 256 should be sufficient)

    As for the non related Video Manager issue. It’s likely to be relate to a missing codec(s) please refer to this link in order to resolve the issue https://forums.cast-soft.com/index.php?threads/playing-video-files-in-vivien.1172/#post-3773

    If either issue persists please do send an email to Tech support along with the version of wysiwyg you are using and the details of what you tried (from the above) along with any error messages encountered.

  5. Floriaan

    Floriaan Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    Hi, I checked all settings. As said, sACN works with other software, but the sACN source requires a restart for wysiwyg to see the data. This also proofs that it goes through the firewall. It also works this way with the firewall completely disabled.
    The sACN source is an ETC EOS console.
  6. Floriaan

    Floriaan Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    I suspect that Wysiwyg is not able to play well with multiple Ethernet adapters and/or multiple windows user accounts that we are logging in and out of.

    As said other software on the same machine is picking up the sACN stream, including other visualisers. Please investigate as it is really annoying to randomly having to restart my computers before I can get to work.
  7. Floriaan

    Floriaan Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    I would really like you to look at this. Again, this is probably an issue with wysiwyg and multiple network adapters. If you need more information please contact me.
  8. Dany

    Dany Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jan 16, 2014
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    Hi Floriaan, we will definitely look into this and get back to you. Can you confirm that this is a problem with WYSIWYG from ANY sACN source (ETC EOS, Vista, the sACNView app, grandMA 2/3, etc.)? Or is it specific to one console/source?

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