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Connecting to an ArtNet Device (Not a console)

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Keystone Technologies, Aug 27, 2018.

  1. Keystone Technologies

    Aug 19, 2018
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    We have a Pharos Control device that is transmitting ArtNet on two universes.
    Now we would like to simulate the setup but we can't get wysiwyg Perform to recognize the ArtNet-stream.
    We have used an ArtNet monitoring software on the wysiwyg workstation that shows us that ArtNet is arriving at the wysiwyg PC.
    * So the ArtNet-stream is there.
    * In Application Options we have set the ArtNet Interface to the correct IP-address.

    The only thing we are not sure about is the Patching.
    * We have a DMX A and DMX B patch but we do not see how they are interfaced with the ArtNet-stream
    Any idea if this is correct?
    * We have setup some 1channel dmx fixtures in wysiwyg to test but in the control-tab we have only filled in the DMX patch source A or B and the DMX address.
    Is this enought?

    Looked first at the manual and this forum but there's not much info about it if you not using a console.

    Thanks for the input.
  2. Floriaan

    Floriaan Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    You have to connect the Artnet universe to the wysiwyg patch universe. If you are transmitting Artnet Universe 0 and 1, you can connect those universes in the LIVE ->Device manager -> Artnet Properties and then choose the right Universe for the Ports. Schermafbeelding 1.jpg

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