Hi, How can I add a new created Report to the Defalut Report list as to be able to add into a Layout? Is it a must to create the new Report from "Add Defalut Report" option? Thank you!
A lot of designers will create a Wyg File with all their: CAD Shortcuts (fixtures, truss, library) Data Shortcuts (Spreadsheets) Presentation Shortcuts (layouts, reports, images/logos and worksheets) Save that as a Wysiywg Template File (.wyt). Put in under %userprofile%\Documents\WYSIWYG Files\Template Files\WYT Files and it shows up on the splash screen under Templates when you load Wysiwyg. Default reports are created by Cast themselves, as commonly used reports. They appear with newly created files, or by adding via right clicking the shortcut panel. They're a good starting point but you will likely want to mod / format them to suit your needs. Creating them in your template file (and having layouts that use them) is the way to go.
Please remember that mutli-sheet Reports (those that appear with multiple tabs at the bottom) cannot be added to Layouts -- or not in that state. (How could they? After all, it would be impossible to switch between tabs on a printed Layout. ) This is why, a long time ago now, we added the 'Combine Group Sheets' option which is found in Reports' View Options > Report tab... as its name implies, once this option is enabled, the multiple tabs are concatenated (appear on one 'page') and thus can be added to Layouts.