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Doors and Windows

Discussion in 'Tips & Tricks' started by Tom Gilmartin, May 12, 2016.

  1. Tom Gilmartin

    Tom Gilmartin New Member

    May 3, 2016
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    I haven't been able to find any tutorials in adding windows or doors to a room. The video tutorials on you tube alude to making realistic renders for events but never actually touch on adding the entrances and windows.
    I've tried adding doors in Vivian but they won't snap in place and only appear on one side of a wall. There must be something I'm missing right??
  2. Firebrand

    Firebrand Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    i cut out doors and windows from the walls i've created, using boolean operations.

    search in your Vivien users guide pdf for the boolean operations section.

    once you've actually removed a portion of the wall, it's easy to place you doors and windows correctly, and have them on both sides of the wall.

    the boolean operation i perform to do this is the "subtract" option.
    create a 3d shape (extruded surface, riser, etc) and make it the size of the hole you need in the wall. make sure you position it so it intersects with the wall exacgtly where you want your door or window hole to be.
    then select your wall. click boolean operations, click the subtract operation, and select the 3d shape. click finish, and the 3d shape will be removed from the wall, leaving a hole.

    you can array objects (create 4 window holes in an array) to do multiple window gaps for instance.

    hope this helps. it's all explained in depth in your user guide pdf, check out boolean operations in the index to get you to the right point.
  3. Tom Gilmartin

    Tom Gilmartin New Member

    May 3, 2016
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    Thanks for the reply. I'll give that a go.
    I'm surprised that there isn't an easier way to do this, for instance in Sketchup you just draw a rectangle on the wall and push it out. Maybe a future option for Vivien.

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