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DWG import.

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Lightshofosho, Jun 26, 2020.

  1. Lightshofosho

    Lightshofosho New Member

    May 5, 2018
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    I have a few events coming up that are using a Stageline 320. Its a common mobile roof system used in America frequently. I have a DWG file of the stage from the manufacturer. When I import the dwg into Wyg it runs extremely slow and is basically un workable. Assuming because it has too many points. I've read a lot of posts and am still a little confused as to what I need to do to design accurately with the Stageline in Wyg. Id appreciate any links or advice. Thank you.
    #1 Lightshofosho, Jun 26, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2020
  2. Floriaan

    Floriaan Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    What is the purpose? Do you need an accurate plot or an accurate visualization?
  3. Lightshofosho

    Lightshofosho New Member

    May 5, 2018
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    Eventually both, but for this immediate need, having accurate plots is priority. I do many festivals a year on this stage so it would be a life saver to get this working properly.
  4. ShaunC

    ShaunC Member

    Feb 26, 2018
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    DWG's drawn in other programs can have an incredible amount of detail which = thousands upon thousands of polygons and lines. Wyg doesn't handle that well. Usually you will need to simplify the drawings before import, or redraw some elements in Wyg (with native tools/wyg objects). If you're going to be importing this stage as a base to work from multiple times it justifies spending some time on getting it working efficiently.
    Otherwise you need to setup a good Layer and Scene structure to turn a bunch of that detail on and off. Scenes can be mapped to CTRL + NumPad1, 2 3 etc so you can jump around different layer combinations in CAD mode.
  5. Floriaan

    Floriaan Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    The best practice starts with the original program in which the stage was created. You need to reduce the amount of polYvons here and make sure to purge your cad drawing so no unnecessary items are imported.
    Then in Wyg, you can import some elements as library item, if you don’t need to move them anymore.
    Lastly, try to consolidate meshes.
    In the tips and tricks section there is a whole thread about how to best do this.

  6. Dany

    Dany Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jan 16, 2014
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    Thanks for stepping in to help, Floriaan! This is indeed what needs to be done when importing 3D models (in DAE, OBK, 3DS and FBX formats) and/or venues, sets and stages from DWG/DXF files (and sometimes SKP too). It's the same case with truss systems like this of course, but the issue is that even at the end of all the optimizations, Pipes still have to be drawn (or Lines representing truss chords have to Converted to Pipes) in order to be able to hang fixtures from them, as per wysiwyg's standard operation of fixtures having to hang from hang structures.

    In this case, however, I do believe that our Libraries Development Department has one or two such truss systems that they can send out, so users don't have to go through such an exercise just to be able to hang fixtures. As such, @Lightsforsho, please contact them to ask about this: simply login to the Members Only Area and then click the Contact our Library Department link.


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