Hey guys Just downloaded the R42 and I am getting an error when setting up a LED Screen and putting it with dynamic color and intensity. If I do it on the R41 it works, but it won't work on the newest version. Just wondering if anyone have had this problem too, and if so, what did you do? Cheers
Please provide more information regarding the error: the exact steps to reproduce it, along with supporting screenshots (at least of the error message, but ideally more, to show what you are doing in the LED Wizard). Do you experience problems if you create the LED Wall in R41, save the .wyg file and then open it in R42? I am not suggesting that this is the workaround, just trying to get more information. We have not had any reports of such problems since we released R42 back in January. Thanks,
Sorry, @Vegaevent, but I am not sure how your statement above is related to the o/p... what does the contrast ratio have to do with choosing to use dynamic (i.e. DMX-controlled) colour and intensity for an LED Wall?