Is it possible to let wysiwyg show you the absolute DMX address? So instead of 2.1 or 3.1 for universe 2, address 1 and universe 3 address 1 show the numbers 513 and 1025. I am trying to find the best way to export my patch for ETC EOS. I am almost there, but it needs absolute dmx addresses.
If you already patched to regular DMX universes, you will have to create a new EDMX universe and re-patch everything to it. If you haven't patched anything yet, just make the EDMX universe and patch to it. There is no way to automate the re-patch; the feature is on our list though.
That sounds like a good solution. Since EDMX is removed from the additional interfaces, will Live visualization still work over, say, sACN?
Unfortunately, no. EDMX was removed as a result of it not being supported for 64bit, and we did not yet look into replacing it -- if this is even a possibility considering the (rather lengthy) discussion at .. Perhaps a solution will reveal itself to you if you read this discussion, Floriaan. I am simply not familiar with ETC's proprietary networking solutions/technologies, I'm sorry.
Ahhh... so sorry Floriaan, I stand corrected! Along with the ability to use EDMX, we also had to remove the ability to create an EDMX universe from R43 and above. As such, the only way to do what you need is by using R42 or earlier. If you happen to still have this installed somewhere, run it, start a new file, create the EDMX universe, patch a fixture to it (you don't have to hang the fixture to do this) and save. Then, run R44 and open the file you are working on and merge the R42 file you just made into this file; this will give you the EDMX universe, and you should be able to re-patch your fixtures to it. Apologies for having provided wrong information in my initial reply.
No worries. Here a file that you can use: It contains a single unhung Pinspot fixture (which you'll probably want to delete once the file is merged). When the Merge is complete, wysiwyg will report that the Main layer was imported (which is empty) and provide the usual warning about the EDMX universe. There are no objects in the file, so you won't SEE anything in Wireframe or Shaded Views after you merge it, regardless of which placement option you choose. Once you switch to DATA mode though (or if you have a Custom Tab with one or more DATA panes) you will see the Pinspot patched to EDMX.1 in the Spreadsheet and Patch Views, and from here you can patch your other fixtures to EDMX and proceed. Hth, D.
Thanks a lot! I will share my final solution with everybody once I am done. I want to try something else as well. I can use the columns patch universe and patch adress and use a formula in excel, which I need as an intermediate step anyway. I am trying to put everything in a macro that I can share. That way there would be a way to export patch to etc consoles.