Looking to see what steps I need to do to import a .vwx file into R38. And tips would be appreciated.
Haven't tried it, but my guess would be export to DWG, and import to DWG in WYSIWYG. Sounds horrible though, as you would loose a lot of information. Can you export to CSV file in Vectorworks? a new feature in WYG is, that you can import from CSV file, if you have positions of fixtures ...
I am also trying to import a Vectorworks file into WYSIWYG, but am running into some issues. After a couple tries I was able to import a simplified version with just a couple layers as a DWG, but it isn't looking right in Shaded view. It is missing some walls, and alot of things like chairs and the general dimensions of the house floor. Everything looks fine in wireframe, the problem seems to be isolated to shaded views for some reason. Here's a screenshot.. P.S. Just learning WYSIWYG, so this may be some type of 1D10T error...
You should also pay attention to the sideness of the walls. Normally you would want walls to be single sided, so you can look though them in shaded views. They need to be single sided the right way around though, because otherwise there appear to be no walls when your camera's are inside your venue.