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Parts of my user interface dissapeared--how do I bring them back?

Discussion in 'Tips & Tricks!' started by Dany, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. Dany

    Dany Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jan 16, 2014
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    On extremely rare occasions, parts of WYSIWYG's user interface (i.e. the Mode buttons or "Mode Bar" at the top, the View Tabs along the bottom, the Menu bar, the Shortcuts bar) disappear. This is an issue that we have never been able to reproduce here at CAST, so it has been impossible for us to fix it. However, the following procedure has had a 100% success rate in restoring the user interface:
    1. Exit WYSIWYG. It is crucial that WYSIWYG is NOT running while performing these steps.
    2. Click the Windows Start menu, type regedit and press <enter> to launch the Windows Registry Editor.
    3. In the Registry Editor, navigate to the following location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > CAST Lighting Limited > WYSIWYG > Build.
    4. Within that folder you will see at least one folder labeled with numbers separated by periods. Please delete this folder or these folders--i.e. DO NOT DELETE THE FOLDER LABELLED "BUILD"!
    5. Close the Windows Registry Editor (File menu > Exit).
    6. Run WYSIWYG and open a new or old file: the user interface is back to normal.
    Please note that this process will reset all toolbars to their default positions--there is no way to avoid this.



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