Dear All, Pipe tape for Truss, is it possible? So far I can only see its possible for Pipes... (perhaps hence the name?) Many thanks! #firstpost
That is correct: pipe tapes currently only work for Pipes. If you wish to print a pipe tape for truss, you will have to insert a Pipe close to the Truss, hang your fixtures on this pipe, and print from there. (If you use Position names, you should of course assign the same Position name to the Pipe as to the Truss. You may of course Group the pipe to the truss, in order to make movement easier.) Hth, Dany
BOOM! bringing it back. Where are we with being allowed to make a pipe tape work for truss? You could select which chord to print from and see a list of unit numbers present in order. OR perhaps there is a way to export a report of fixture spacing per hang structure?
Hi Joe. We have not had a chance to work on this yet, and it is not coming to WYSIWYG 2023, I am sorry. However, the workaround of moving all the fixtures from the truss to Pipe (using EDIT > Relocate Fixtures) continues to work, of course. (I understand that it's not ideal, but this is something you would only need to do once, maybe twice, once you know that the design is fully complete, and you're about to start hanging fixtures.) Thanks for your understanding, Dany