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R37 Camera Rotation

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Cormac, Mar 28, 2017.

  1. Cormac

    Cormac Member

    Feb 5, 2014
    Likes Received:
    I'm having an issue with a specific file.
    I can't rotate the standard world camera around my drawing.
    So if I hold down the Alt key in previous files my camera would rotate around that point.

    The file I am dealing with has a large amount of layers that were imported from a DWG which has made the actual "space" quite large.
    Even if I make those layers invisible I still cannot rotate around my stage area.
    In design mode I can reset the camera in x/y/z axis but I still cannot rotate around the drawing.

    I need to create some alternate renders/views for a proposal but am basically stuck with a front view.

    Does anyone have a workaround or suggestion?

    Regards Cormac
  2. Dino

    Dino Dino Mazza | VP, Product | CAST Software

    Jan 16, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Hi Cormac,
    This sounds like the camera rotation is locked in this specific file. Please open your Camera Toolbar (right click on toolbar area, and ensure the Camera toolbar is on), then look at the buttons on the right side of the toolbar. If those buttons are enabled, your camera rotation is locked and therefore it is preventing from pivoting camera around the point when holding down ALT key. I'm fairly confident this is the problem.

    Let us know if this fixes it for you. Good luck!
  3. Cormac

    Cormac Member

    Feb 5, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Hi Dino,
    Thank you for the reply.
    For some reason I can't unlock the camera and it is greyed out in Design(Shaded/Quad) view.
    If I create a new camera layer the lock is not greyed out but I still can't pivot the camera?
    Not exactly sure how I ended up with a camera view that is locked?

    Regards C
    #3 Cormac, Mar 29, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2017
  4. Dino

    Dino Dino Mazza | VP, Product | CAST Software

    Jan 16, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Hi Cormac,
    If possible, can you send the file in and we can take a look at it?
  5. Cormac

    Cormac Member

    Feb 5, 2014
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    I would very much appreciate if you could have a quick look.
    Can you tell which e-mail/method I should upload the file.

    Best Cormac
  6. Dino

    Dino Dino Mazza | VP, Product | CAST Software

    Jan 16, 2014
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    Please send in your file to our tech support team, techsupport(at)cast(hyphen)soft(dot)com

    Thanks, Dino
  7. Dany

    Dany Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jan 16, 2014
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    Hi Cormac,

    I just had a look at your file, and there is no problem with it: you chose to display the Rulers (of the Wireframe views of course) based on the View Origin that you set, so the model appears "centered" around that origin (again, in Wireframes). However, WYSIWY's Camera can only follow the Document Origin or a User Origin--since the View Origin can only possibly apply to Wireframes.

    If you choose instead to display the Rulers based on the Document Origin (you did not set a User Origin in this file), you will note that for whatever reason, the model in this file is drawn over 125m "up" from the origin (i.e. in the +Y direction): therefore, the "issue" here (quotes intentional, as this is not a problem) is not that you cannot pivot the camera, but at that distance the model simply appears to “shift” from side to side, as opposed to “rotating” around the camera’s viewpoint as it normally does when the camera is closer to the model. This will always happen after you Reset the World Camera (due to the default position at which it is moved to based on the Reset--which you can see in the Wireframe if you are zoomed out far enough) but it works perfectly after you dolly it in so it’s closer to the model. (For information about how to dolly the camera in and out, please see the Camera Controls section of the WYSIWYG Reference Guide.)

    The two options you have to "fix" this (although, again, there is absolutely nothing to "fix" here, per se) are:

    1. Draw a Standard Camera close to the model and just use that (or save a Standard Camera from the World Camera once you have moved the World Camera to a more appropriate location).

    2. Move your model to surround the origin. Unless you need the model to be so far away from the origin for a special reason, this is probably the better course of action.

    Please let me know if this answers your question,

  8. Cormac

    Cormac Member

    Feb 5, 2014
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    Thanks Dany,
    What I think may have happened is when I merged in the DWG the perimeter of the building is 125m away from the stage which is why you are seeing
    a very large distance away from the stage area and why I can't rotate it.

    Thank you for the detailed reply.

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