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Release Notes for 1.8.7

Discussion in 'Release Notes' started by Marty, Jun 22, 2015.

  1. Marty

    Marty Guest

    Release note for 1.8.7


    There is a new module called Cue, existing customers may require CAST to activate the new module on your server in order to start using it.

    There is an updated version of Motive as part of this release that is labeled 'Beta' in the about page; please note that all BlackTrax-Motive functionality has been tested and verified, but please report any issues you encounter.

    The Residual setting in Motive is now changed to radius instead of diameter. This means that the residual should typically be half of what it was previously.

    Dongle Date Requirement:

    March 26 2015

    Major changes:

    • New module called Cue
      • Cue is used for recording and playing back tracking data
      • Controllable via chapters so recordings can be triggered via a ArtNet or sACN
    • Heartbeat has been added to RTTrPM for third party clients

    Known issues:
    • When a recording is stopped in Motive with the Edit Tools window open, Motive will crash
    • When installing this version of Motive without Motive 1.7.2 installed previously, the USB dongle drivers may not install correctly. Please ensure you are updating from 1.7.2 to avoid this issue


    Secondary Applications:
    Motive: 1.8.21740

    Compatible with RTTrP Versions:

    Features and Fixes:


    • Fixed: When a camera disconnects from the network, it will lose its calibrated camera position
    • Fixed: If a beacon's internal clock is faster or slower than the TimeKeeper's the beacon may shift IDs for one frame then correct itself
    • Fixed: BlackTrax cameras and fixtures without pan/tilt will no longer export from BTWYG to BlackTrax (this would causes issues on the BlackTrax side of the export)
    • Fixed: Motive no longer displays an incorrect IP for streaming data

    New Feature

    • New module “Cue” (please contact CAST in order to activate Cue on your server)
      • Record tracking data based on frame ID
      • Play back tracking data manually or link playback to a Chapter
    • BlackTrax Template file for BTWYG that has a 1x1m grid along with a trackable already patched
    • RTTrPM can now send out a Heartbeat to ensure that third party clients always have connection to BlackTrax even when there are no visible beacons
    • eSync 2 support
    • Create, save, and recall custom layouts in Motive
    • Combined view for XYZ recorded data in Motive when in Edit mode
    • Motive now saves a small take in the session folder when setting the ground plane, similar to recording wanding data


    • Cameras automatically load back their last known calibrated position when Motive is launched
    • Changed the defaults for Tracker and Tracking Adapter to be more plug and play friendly
      • By default Tracker will output to Tracking Adapter so the user does not need to configure Tracker's network settings each time the settings are reset
      • Dedicated frame is disabled to ensure compatibility with the 2.7.0.x beacon firmware
    • Beacons will no longer enter boot loader when first powered on via USB (you must now hold A or B while connecting to power) - this will ensure the beacon always boots into main firmware (please contact CAST to perform this update as it requires a change to the boot loader of the beacon)
    • Residual in Motive is now the radius instead of diameter

    Design Review

    • Marker names use underscores instead of dashes in Edit mode in Motive
    #1 Marty, Jun 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2018

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