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Revision History Features

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Thomas_G, Jan 6, 2022.

  1. Thomas_G

    Thomas_G New Member

    May 30, 2018
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    It would be very nice if the revision history "modified by" field is automatically populated with the name of the windows account, the same way the field "created by" is.
    So when multiple designers work on the same projects on their own machine, it's automatically updated.

    Otherwise, having a field in the application settings so people can add their name and it's saved on the machine not within the file.

    The issue with the actual setup is that people can forget to modify their names and we end up with an unreliable revision history.

    Another great feature would be the ability to export the revision history as CSV, either within the document settings option or with it accessible from the reports tab or just simply to be able to copy paste it.

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