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Using 3DConnexion Mouse with R34 Update - Issue with 3DxWare v10.2.2

Discussion in 'wysiwyg' started by Dino, Feb 12, 2015.

  1. Dino

    Dino Dino Mazza | VP, Product | CAST Software

    Jan 16, 2014
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    Hi Everyone,

    As some of you noticed in your emails, we just released an update to both WYSIWYG R34 and Vivien 2015. These Updates are packed with new functionality, enhancements and bug fixes, so I encourage everyone to go download them (for more info on the Update, I encourage you to read the Release Notes accompanying the installation). Included in the new additions of the R34 Update is new functionality for the 3DConnexion Mouse devices using the 3DxWare driver.

    If you are wondering how is this different than before, the answer is previously we did not use the 3DxWare driver and instead WYSIWYG received data through an older 3D mouse SDK.

    We decided that it was time to switch over to using the 3DxWare driver to connect to these devices, because the driver delivers additional functionality which we did not have before, it delivers the ability to customize buttons on your 3D mouse devices (the higher models which include buttons), and finally the driver is the only way to communicate with the new 3D Wireless models.

    However, please note carefully... The latest 3DxWare driver released by 3DConnexion last week (Version 10.2.2 released 01/30/2015) shipped with some new default configurations for WYSIWYG and WYSIWYG Demo, that improve functionality for R34 and previous releases (which use the old SDK).

    Not to worry, if you wish to use the latest 3DxWare driver to use your 3D mouse with WYSIWYG, you have 2 options...

    I. Instead of using the latest driver, download the one previous in the archive section, http://www.3dconnexion.com/service/archived-drivers.html , which is Version 10.2.1 released 12/11/2014. If you install this driver, your 3D mouse will work with WYSIWYG.

    II. If you prefer to run with the *latest* driver, you will have to follow the 5 step procedure below to remove the wrong configuration of WYSIWYG and/or WYSIWYG Demo from the driver, and then you can use the "generic" defaults that ship with the 3DxWare Driver, and then your 3D mouse will work with WYSIWYG.

    1. Open the folder at C:\Program Files\3Dconnexion\3DxWare\3DxWinCore64\Cfg.
    · Note that the install location may be different if you’ve installed the 32-bit version of the drivers or if you customized the install location.

    2. Delete WYSIWYG.xml and WYSIWYG Demo.xml.

    3. Go to C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Roaming\3Dconnexion\3DxWare\Cfg, and if “Wyg.xml” exists there, delete it as well.

    4. Restart the 3DConnexion drivers by going to the Start Menu, under All Programs\3Dconnexion\Driver, and clicking the Stop Driver shortcut, then again clicking the Start Driver shortcut this time.
    · That’s for Windows 7, I’m not exactly sure how you do this for Windows 8.

    5. If you have Wysiwyg open, you’ll have to restart it as well.

    After that, WYSIWYG should be using a set of more “generic” defaults, which work properly with R34 update and later releases.

    Good Luck,
    #1 Dino, Feb 12, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2017
    Paul likes this.
  2. srautane

    srautane New Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    Thanks Dino,

    I will check and try this today.
  3. Dino

    Dino Dino Mazza | VP, Product | CAST Software

    Jan 16, 2014
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    Great Sami, let us know how it goes.
  4. srautane

    srautane New Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    Works pretty well.
    But... it would be nice to have a target camera mode like in Sketchup and it would be really nice to make the mouse work in wireframe too.
  5. Floriaan

    Floriaan Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    Unfortunately this method doesn't seem to apply for Wyg 35 with a 3d connexion space navigator (wired). I can manipulate objects in other cad programs but it does nothing in Wyswiyg. Could you please explain how to use it? I currently have the 3DxWare version 10.2.9 and 3DxWinCore version installed.

    [EDIT] I found it. Turns out that the files are in a different folder now.
    #5 Floriaan, Oct 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2015

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