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WYSIWYG R46 is available now!

Discussion in 'wysiwyg' started by Dany, Mar 30, 2021.

  1. Dany

    Dany Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jan 16, 2014
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    Hi everyone, just a quick note to mention that R46 is now available -- though if you started R45 since about 4PM EST on March 31 and had AutoUpdate checking enabled, you would have gotten a notification about it. The highlights of this release include higher performance (SIGNIFICANTLY higher in some cases!), better visualization for lasers as well as for many tube- and strip-style fixtures, exporting to glTF _with textures_, MVR importing (merging and exporting are coming in R47) and a slew of other featurettes, improvements, bug fixes, and, of course lots and lots of Library additions and updates. Full details are in the Release Notes, which are available at https://castsoft-zqsnzka4c4eaazxyzp...uploads/2021/03/wysiwyg-R46-Release-Notes.pdf.

    Please note that the Membership requirement to run R46 is December 2020 -- NOT March, 2021. To download the R46 installer, please login to the Members Only Area of our website, https://cast-soft.com/cast/member/index.php.

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