Hey all! Going into 2024 and beyond, it would be great to have a few more tools to work with the look and feel of the fixture legend. Here are some things I'd personally love to see: - The ability to change the name of the fixture for the legend itself, as well as the fixture modes. Those can get REALLY long and tedious to try and fit into the space we have for legends. - More flexibility with fonts and formatting, similar to the worksheet tool. I can see myself changing the color and size of the fixture count number for ease of reading, as well as aligning the text to center in each column of the legend. - Ability to affect the size of the symbols in the legend. I typically only display one symbol per fixture, and adjust it to the way it displays on my plots, but it stays the same size as though I have all three symbols displayed. -Ability to change the width of each column in the legend. All this to say it would be great to have the legends work more like a worksheet or a report. Alternatively, we could enable the fixture symbols as an item IN reports and worksheets themselves so we can make our own customized legends.