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Noticable lag on Fixture Dimmer

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by secretAlpaca, Feb 2, 2021.

  1. secretAlpaca

    secretAlpaca New Member

    Feb 2, 2021
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    Hello everyone,

    The company I work for currently owns R40, and I'm having issues with the dimmer curve output on the fixtures,

    Computer is a fairly beefy i7-9750H running 16GB of DDR4 ram and a Nvidia GTX1660TI, Pan and tilt movements are absolutly butter smooth and perfect, but when it comes to, for instance, a timed Fade Out, it seems laggy and not linear, I will provide a video to see this, the Wysiwyg runs at max 40% of the GPU and 30% on the CPU, so it's not lagging, I can even turn on a movement and be smooth, having 100FPS and still have lagged out dimmers, how can I fix this? I've tried tweaking everything, from GPU 3D options all the way to Wygs options, Currently on High settings, but everything on low still running into the same issue, I've compared with a friend and his dimmer curves are absolutly perfect, any ideas how can I fix this?

    Video link: https://streamable.com/b24xy4

    Thanks in advance
  2. Dany

    Dany Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jan 16, 2014
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    Hello @secretAlpaca,

    A number of things could cause this (although it is the first time such an issue is being brought up).

    First, there could be something wrong in the profile of the fixture you are using (assuming the six fixtures in your video are of the same type). Does this happen with any other fixture? (What IS (what ARE) the fixture(s) you are trying to use?)

    Second, you say that on this is fine on your friend's computer. Am I correct to assume that he verified this with the same file, the same console showfile and the same version of WYSIWYG?

    Third, those seem like relatively fast fades, so it's possible that your monitor is simply not able to display all the "in-between levels" before it needs to show the "final level". Does the same happen if with longer fade-ins/fade-outs?

    Fourth, are you certain this is not happening because the fixtures are simply doing what your console is telling them to do? as I am sure you know, some fixtures (such as many from Vari*Lite's lineup) feature a Timing channels, which define how fast or slow the fixture is to perform certain functions; it is possible that your fixture has such a channel and the value it's set to is causing this?

    Fifth, are you, by chance using a monitor HDR-capable monitor? If so, set your video output to this (by right-clicking on the desktop, selecting Display Settings and turning the 'Use HDR' switch to 'On') and check if this makes a difference. I believe it should, since a 10-bit/HDR panel can display a LOT more colours than an 8-bit panel.

    I am indeed "casting a pretty wide net" here, throwing out everything I can think of. I'll wait for answers to my questions, and we'll go from there.

  3. Floriaan

    Floriaan Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    Also possible is that the problem occurs due to the use of a managed switch or router which could send ip packets in chunks instead of a constant stream. This could cause some noticeable lag in artnet or sACN. The reason you will notice this more on dimmers then on movements as I believe there is some smoothing on movements in Wysiwyg to simulate what a real fixture could do, although I am not absolutely sure.
    #3 Floriaan, Feb 8, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2021
  4. Dany

    Dany Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jan 16, 2014
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    Thanks Floriaan.. unfortunately, not something I would know to think of, as I am no expert in lighting networks.

    (I honestly do not know if we do any kind of "smoothing" like that, but I'll try to find out from Soft. Dev.)
  5. secretAlpaca

    secretAlpaca New Member

    Feb 2, 2021
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    I do for sure use a low-end Apple switch at home for the art-net to be delievered, will try with a datacenter grade cisco switch and let you know! never tought about that one!
  6. secretAlpaca

    secretAlpaca New Member

    Feb 2, 2021
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    Thanks for replying,

    First - it happens with any fixture type, even a simple dimmer,

    Second - Yup, same file,

    Third - Yes it happens with even a 3s fadeout, but I use a 140hz monitor so, don't think it's that as movement is smooth as well,

    Fourth - Same as first, even a simple dimmer does it,

    Fifth - Will try this HDR settting off and get back here

    nice pun "casting a pretty wide net" haha
  7. Floriaan

    Floriaan Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    Some other thing you might be seeing is this: unlike with a tungsten fixture, that literary slowly stops glowing when it dims, fixtures on the screen have the same problem as led fixtures. They are so precise, that the moment you see them switch off is noticeable very clearly.
    The lens flare makes this most noticeable. I’ve already filed a feature request to make a smoother dim curve (also with more realistic amber drift for conventionals). This especially applies to the lens flare, which doesn’t really show the same intensity and colour as the beam and footprint.

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